Pebbled leather (like what D&B uses in all-weather bags) feels slightly firmer, for example.

Unless it has been severely mistreated and dried out, it does not crack or seem to be damaged if folded in half. Coach leather is not stiff and doesn’t look or feel like plastic. Coach uses various types of leather, but something they all have in common is that they are of a nice quality.At least 50% of the counterfeit bags I see are obviously counterfeit due to clearly inferior quality.

Visit a Coach store or authorized Coach retailer and learn how they feel and what they tend to look like. It is important to familiarize yourself with Coach products in person.First, know that some counterfeit bags appear to be nearly perfect and some authentic bags may seem a little imperfect.If there is a place to come into contact with a large number of designer bags, authentic and counterfeit alike, it is among Goodwill’s donations! Coach is one of the designer brands I see most frequently, from Cashin-era all the way up to this season’s styles (OK…maybe last season’s). Thousands of bags later, I have picked up several ways to help determine the authenticity of Coach bags, and I’d like to share a few tips and illustrative photos.